Efforts for Quality

Pursuing a Development and Manufacturing System that Embodies a Global Perspective

Chemipro Kasei, as the world's leading manufacturer of UV absorbers, aims to establish an even stronger corporate foundation, focusing particularly on a global approach. 

In our Chemicals and Household Products businesses, we have established a quality assurance system based on the International Standardisation Organisation ISO 9001 (for development, production and sales). By integrating these internationally recognised systems, we strive to enhance production efficiency, improve our constitution and reduce costs. As the system has become established and the organisation has expanded as a result, internal auditors consisting mainly of our mid-level employees have been trained accordingly. Together with the effect of regular internal quality audits, the awareness of our employees has been steadily rising.

Quality Assurance System

In addition to quality inspection conducted by the Production Group, the Quality Assurance Department under direct control of the President carries out inspection based on the company's own criteria, while at the same time dealing with diversifying and globalising legal restrictions.

Quality Policy

Chemipro Kasei contributes to society with excellent quality products through its knowhow and technologies.

  1. By understanding the needs and expectations of our customers, as well as relevant laws and regulations, we clarify specific production requirements, and continue to provide satisfactory products. 
  2. We continually improve in order to achieve even greater quality.
  3. To implement the quality policy, we set objectives and review them as necessary.
  4. We review our quality policy to ensure that it remains appropriate at all times.

【Implementation of Quality Policy and Objectives】

In order to implement our quality system, the head of each Group and Plant defines the operation policy, and the head of each Department sets priority matters every fiscal year as specific activities, which are then carried out by all quality system operators.